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8 Signs of an Under-Active Thyroid (And a Natural Solution)

8 Signs of an Under-Active Thyroid (And a Natural Solution)

An sluggish and under-active thyroid can make you feel miserable. There are many ways that thyroid issues can throw your health out of balance, making it difficult to know which issues are due to a thyroid problem.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, there’s a good chance you might have an under-active thyroid even if a lab test or your doctor has told you otherwise.

In this short article, we’ll cover the top 8 signs that people with an under-active thyroid experience. Then, at the end, we’ll touch on a new solution that is finally giving thyroid sufferers some much-needed comfort.

  1. Joint or Muscle Aches Depending on your age, it can be easy to overlook joint or muscle aches as a symptom of a sluggish thyroid. Low thyroid hormones can cause your muscles and joints to become stiff and more sensitive. Lack of thyroid hormone can also affect your joint cartilage and bones, contributing to aches and stiffness.

  2. Thinning Hair Low thyroid hormones can cause hair roots to fall out and not get replaced by new hair follicles. This leads to the appearance of thinning hair.

  3. Brittle Nails When thyroid hormone levels are low, it can lead to weakened nails. Reduced blood flow and nutrient delivery cause your nails to become brittle and thin, growing slowly.

  4. Constipation Backed-up bowels and straining to go can be incredibly uncomfortable and frustrating. This happens because a lack of thyroid hormones slows key bodily functions, including intestinal motility, which can lead to constipation.

  5. Brain Fog Low thyroid hormones can affect your memory and ability to focus. This cognitive impairment often leads to feelings of brain fog.

  6. Dry Skin When thyroid hormones are low, it can lead to decreased secretions from the eccrine gland and reduced sweating. This often results in dry skin.

  7. Trouble Sleeping An under-active thyroid can cause achy muscles and joints, cold extremities, and increased anxious feelings. All these symptoms can contribute to poor sleep quality.

  8. Fatigue Last but certainly not least. It can be hard to describe how tired you feel to someone who doesn’t have an under-active thyroid. Low thyroid hormones slow the body’s metabolism, leading to severe fatigue and lethargy.

Obviously, this isn’t a complete list of all the misery people with an under-active thyroid experience. But these are 8 of the most common signs.

Fortunately, there’s a simple and natural way to potentially address all 8 of these signs and feel like yourself again. It’s thanks to a special mineral that is renowned for blasting away excess body fat.

In fact, one study showed that people who took this thyroid-rejuvenating mineral lost an average of 21 pounds.

This mineral is the perfect complement to healthy eating and exercise. And it's not iodine, either. Though you should be taking iodine too. Understanding Iodine Deficiency: Signs and Solutions

50 ml/day of Aloe vera juice. Order here.

For more information, check out this study.




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Gwen Krehbiel, Owner & CNHP
To your thriving health,
Gwen Krehbiel
Certified Natural Health Professional
Certified SHAPE ReClaimed Practitioner
Certified Facial Analysis Practitioner
Certified ZYTO Practitioner

located inside Pure Serenity Wellness Center

202 2nd St. East, Hastings, MN 55033

Medical disclaimer: This information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment. Medical conditions require medical care.

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