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Look Beyond Your Weight - InBody 38o Body Composition

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How are you tracking your fitness progress?

If you’re like most people, you step on your bathroom scale when you want to assess your health.
But doesn't it feel like none of your plans to get healthier work out the way you expected them to?

Doesn't it seem like that new diet or exercise you've been trying only helps you lose weight temporarily, and sometimes, you end up gaining even more weight?

That's because your bathroom scale is misleading.

Ditch the scale

Weight loss is not the same as fat loss. As we age, we naturally lose some of our heavy, dense muscle mass, and a lower number on the scale doesn’t always mean we’re in peak condition.
The key to physical fitness is losing excess body fat, not overall body weight.

Instead of tracking how heavy you are, use body composition analysis to track how healthy you are.

See what you’re made of

You are much more than one standardized number. Your weight is made up of muscle, fat, bone, and water, and the proportions of these different elements are known as your body composition.
When you take a body composition test on the InBody 380, it shows you how many pounds of muscle, fat, bone, and water you actually have.

Armed with this data, you can make little adjustments that lead to major long-term improvements.

With the InBody You Can Take Control of Your Health


The InBody 380 analyses your body composition in just 30 seconds and provides you with a comprehensive set of results that you can use to optimize your lifestyle.

By checking your Result Sheet printout or your InBody App data, you’ll be able to notice any changes in:

Skeletal Muscle Mass
• Percent Body Fat
• Body Fat Mass
• Basal Metabolic Rate
• Abdominal Fat Analysis

And more!


Use the customizable Body Composition History to personalize which outputs are displayed and see how specific outputs, such as Percent Body Fat, change over time.

Take an InBody Test every two to four weeks to continuously monitor your progress towards your fitness goals.

💡 Upgrades Available!

InBody 380 Results Interpretaion

380 Result Sheet Interpretation.jpg
Still need more information?

Check out this article.

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